
Linden Huckle is the owner of www.LindenHuckle.com

If you want to be a millionaire, talk to millionaires.

You have decided you want a better life, more money, more free time, a bright future, an exciting life. Make sure you talk to people who are doing it! Do not listen to your negative, bitter and twisted neighbour.

"People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it."Anonymous

You can do it!

You have had it with your present lot in life, you are going to do something about it, you have an idea, a business idea to get you out of your present situation in life, you decide to tell everyone about your new business adventure, wait for it, here it comes, 'you can't do that, that will never work, it's to risky, just stick to what you know, sounds crazy to me, you've got more chance of waking up on the moon'.

Don't you just love family!

Of course they only have your best interest at heart, they don't want to see you get hurt. They honestly believe they are giving you good advice, in some cases they probably are, but if you are looking at an opportunity where you know people are doing great and leading the life that you want, they are probably giving you WRONG advice.

Do not listen to people who haven't done it, if you want to be a millionaire, talk to millionaires, you can do anything in life, as long as you have the desire. Follow your heart and if it doesn't work out, get up, dust yourself off and try again, do not quit until you get to live the life of your dreams.

There is an old saying, 'Nothing is impossible to a willing mind'

If you want something bad enough, you will get it!

Someone contacted me recently and said, 'most work from home opportunities are a scam! I have spent thousands joining this company and that company, only to find out, that what they told me initially was all lies. How do I know that the next opportunity isn't a scam?'

I guarantee that this person never worked any of the businesses they tried, they signed up and because they paid money to join, they expect an income right away! When they're not a millionaire in six months, the business opportunity is a scam, they have done very little, if anything in six months, but expect to be RICH.

The trouble with a lot of businesses, is they promise fast money, get rich quick, earn six figures in a month, when this doesn't happen people get discouraged and leave.

The other problem is people don't want to work, they think that when they sign up to a business, that business owes them a living, you have to work at any business and that's the word that scares people, WORK.

To start with, you NEED a mentor and a system to follow, attend seminars, mix with the people who are doing it and are successful at whatever the business is.

Remember, if you want more from life, if you want to be successful, wealthy and financially free, desire is what you need and lots of it.

Businesses are sometimes hard, but persevere and NEVER, NEVER QUIT!

"When nothing seems to help, I go and look at a stonecutter hammering away at his rock perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred and first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not that blow that did it - but all that had gone before." Jacob Riis

Linden Huckle is the owner of www.LindenHuckle.com

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Linden_Huckle

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/215657

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